Thursday, April 27, 2006

and then boygroove opened

and i wasn't there. I would like to describe the hazy recollections through my massive hangover,
( I did get a bit drunk here, in celebration, but my hangover is small and manageable) but since I was not there, I can only hit you with some excerpts of emails I received from participants and various spies I stationed.

like my friend Erin, the publishing queen of Toronto:

Hey--Just wanted to tell you again how much I loved the show last night. It
was really excellent. The guys did a great job. It's a great show, you're brilliant! The theatre was so packed that people were standing in the back. Great audience response and I'm sure that the
clapping would have continued if they hadn't turned the lights up right
away. People were laughing, clapping along with the songs, cheering, etc.
Singing the songs in the bathroom afterwards... (I tell you, the bathroom is
where it's at.) The poster/programs look great too, although your name should
be bigger. :-)

Most of all, to you, congratulations. This is an amazing opportunity and
it's absolutely well deserved. I wish you could have been there last night.

Tell me when you'll be in town. I'm leaving tomorrow and I'll be back late
Monday, May 8. Maybe I can bring Karen to the show when you're here.

Lots of love, E.

ps. Oh yes, there were loads of media people there too. Including Canada's
Us weekly, the Weekly Scoop.

pps. I had no idea the boys sang the national anthem at the Jays game on the

and I got this from one of the investor guys, who has been kind enough to update me from time to time on the goings on of the goings on.

HI Chris, just a quick hi;
Here's the first review of last night's opening review in the Toronto Star:
Not bad for a brand new show.
Last night was terrific,full house and great time. 85 minutes of pure fun. Besides the Star, the Sun, Globe & Mail, National Post and Eye were there as well. I'll forward their views when printed. The boys worked their tails off. We set up a 'sign station' in the lobby that the teens (as well as a few women) used for their signs in the show. The place rocked. The sound tech still has his work cut out for him but everything, including the projections worked well. There was praise to go all around - Aaron's songs and sound-props, your writing . . especially your writing. Personally, I want to say that I marvel at some of the remarkable things you do that expose so much, so simply ( like my favourite . . "whatchamacallit. . . gay."). You're good.
There was great constructive feedback too, but that's for another show another time. . . now I have to go sell tickets . . .
Let me know when you're back in town. .
Regards, Jef

And just so you know, in the Toronto star, four is the most you can get. Just so you weren't like where's the other star, like my parents, when i would get a test back and they'd be like, where's the other 20%, when I already had to cheat to gt the 80? Parents, you know? Anyhow -

This is from Beth, the stage manager.

Hey guys!!

Well, we are opened!! Thank GOD!. It took until 7:10
to get the lighting/sound/video to be in a place where
things were ok to start, but we got there. I had a
couple of GREAT phone conversations with Macri and
most stuff got figured out. A full show report will
follow tomorrow, but I'd like to think the worst is
over, people are drinking their faces off and the
crowd absolutely LOVED the show.

We all felt your love coming from so far away and know
that we all wish you were here. Again, I will update
tomorrow, but everything is going to be ok.


So that was the boygroove opening, as far as I know....


cradman said...

Edmonton has certainly seen its fair share of BoyGroove. Will this Toronto thing mean an E-town revival? Hard to say, except to say, someone besides me would have to produce it!

Kevin Gillese said...

Dude, congrats on the killer opening. You certainly deserve it. I just hope this doesn't mean we're losing you for the T-dizzle.

This is very Cradical.

And also, dude... you make my hips buck baby.