Friday, May 11, 2007

life is busy
and yet
there is leisure
there is a lot of leisure

so much so
that i am thinking of getting a leisure suit

me and jania are watching prison break
how do they keep the tension up
while continuing to not break out of prison
it's a conspiracy
the vice president is at the top of it
she's working it

meanwhile in real life

i am producing Canada's Largest Improv Festival
got this zombie vs batman concept for the promo material
maybe you see the video below
lots of people coming
friends and friends of friends
it's the thing i do every year
that makes me the nervous-est

there's a tv show i might get to write
a commercial theatre piece
there's work coming in thats me feel like mary tyler moore
like i'm gonna make it after all

on the other side is my taxes
all this work
to apply for my gigantic bill
supposed to get hooked up for GST
keep books
all this stuff
that I do NOT want to do

it reminds me of my high school theory of society

society is a pyramid of exclusionary games
games you are to play
with decreasing levels of guidance
elementary school
high school
income taxes
fail to properly play any one of these games
and you will fail at society

but it goes on from there
stock market

to really get on you gotta learn these games too

i am on the cusp of the new set of games
intimidated sure
but at the same time
you can't take things too seriously

its only a game

what i really want to do

is dance

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