Thursday, September 14, 2006

I know

I don't post too often. I am too busy and lazy to do so I guess, so I supose no one is really reading this at this point. Fair enough.

This is then, a message in a bottle.

It is a strange time for Chris, a time of change, of letting go of things I wanted which have proved impossible, were impossible all along, though I clung to hopes in a strange way, out of habit, I guess. Certainly not out of joy.

And a time of picking up new things, changing the focus of my life to something more positive.

I will never again try to break in where I am not wanted. I will stay and cultivate the places where I am. I will live in my new apartment with my wonderful girlfriend.

I feel strangely lost, and oddly free.


Shawn Pallier said...

I feel too I must turn and face the strange ch-ch-changes.

Rock and Roll.

chadisarobot said...

I obviously have no idea to what "want" you are talking about (if it was time travel, ya sorry... not yet) but i am pretty sure you are just tired. My attitude is that if you want something you make it your business to prove you can get it. Take your break from it, but if its worth going after then i hope you keep that eye out for the door to swing open enough for you to sneek it out of its metaphorical safe.