Friday, February 23, 2007

so, here we go
one does go on
what else does one do?

i tried to drink my way through it
i tried to laugh my way through it
i tried to work my way through it
i tried to laugh my way through it

now i will try all of the above
step one is shutting up about it

schedules need organizing
rft's senior improvisors
are dropping like flies
moving away
going to LA, mostly
or Vancouver (LA Jr)
or still insisting on living in europe
on the thin excuse of a wife and child
or new zealand of all places
(where was the old zealand?
in our hearts.)
or to pursue the career
of a rock star
that one is a two for one deal
half the time i lose another improviser
who just wants to watch them play

the fact is
i have a lot less people to do shows with
here at RFT

what happened here?
i couldn't have driven them all away...

when it was me and mark and ron and jacob
ambition was a dirty word
it was frowned upon to want anything more
i was often frowned upon

now if you miss a pilot season
you're just fucking lazy
or ugly
or too old

edmonton got more interesting, said jacob
we have real gossip now
people flame out on drugs
just like real live stars
seemed like ten years went by
and nothing changed at all
now it changes by the minute
it changed while i was typing this

i mean
look at you

you've changed.


Anonymous said...

So what are you going to do? I am sure there are a lot of young kids wanted to play for rapidfire arent there? What about the nosebowl...i heard their were plenty of young guys who were really great.
But this is worrying my about the older players leaving i only heard about jules... other then that i thought arlen and kevin were only gone for a little while.?.
Crad help me...i am lost i thought i was up to date about rft, but its looking like i am wrong!

Kevin Gillese said...

Crad man,

It's your old brother here.

Drunk at four am after talking a friend through his recently departed fiancee crisis.

Fuck man. It's all falling down around us. Our friends. All the fuckin tragedy. Fuck.

But I read your post and I felt like I was talking to you through all the time zone changes and messed up sleeping schedules.

I can't wait until we're running the Ganz. It'll be a joyous blast I swear to God.

I know I shouldn't rant on your very public blog when I'm hammered but a man's gotta reach out when he's on the road away from his homeys for so long.

Let's build a new generation of geniuses. I think we can.

Kevin Gillese said...

Crad man,

It's your old brother here.

Drunk at four am after talking a friend through his recently departed fiancee crisis.

Fuck man. It's all falling down around us. Our friends. All the fuckin tragedy. Fuck.

But I read your post and I felt like I was talking to you through all the time zone changes and messed up sleeping schedules.

I can't wait until we're running the Ganz. It'll be a joyous blast I swear to God.

I know I shouldn't rant on your very public blog when I'm hammered but a man's gotta reach out when he's on the road away from his homeys for so long.

Let's build a new generation of geniuses. I think we can.

cradman said...

not to worry guys. all will be well. rft has had upsets in the past. people have left before. we're still here. edmonton is accelerating, we'll have to accelerate with it.

after all, didn't we always want to live in a place where things happen?

Anonymous said...

So then who is it that is leaving?
I only know about Jules forsure!