Thursday, November 16, 2006

tonight we open the play
excitement is something i will have soon
i just had a little
just then

i will see my friends
steve and lee and miriam
maybe herbie
we will hug each other

the fake party is a cover
the real party is downstairs
you can come
if we like you

there is a giant moose head
and couches in a square
places to sit and stand
big enough to fit
small enough to make us cozy

we ate at perkins
gossiped about theatre
we always do
it's where we work

shopped at safeway
bought enough food to make
a poor immigrant cry
such plenty
and me without a horn

if i had one of my own
i wouldn't blow it myself
it's rude

maybe tonight i will poet again
but drunkenly
and shrunkenly
with all i have spent of myself
you'll get the last dribble

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