Wednesday, May 03, 2006

la la la la la life goes on

So now I am hip deep in the Springboards New Play festival, and despite my being basically a new play factory of Taiwan proportions, I have never done this festival before. Maybe because I finish my plays two weeks before rehearsals start.

Anyhow, here I am, with my man the N - to the Dizzle and Dr Ge', who we all know to be none other than my BoyGroove bro in arms, double A to the R O N. And we are having a fun and exhauting time getting this workshop rapping up. Workshopping a rap musical is not like workshopping a regular play. In a play reading, it is so natural to stop and look and read some more, and pause and so forth. But rap is set to a beat that keeps going and all that, well, you can see the difference.

After this next week, I am taking a couple of days off. And when I am done smoking pot and playing PS2, I am going to go to Toronto and look in on BoyGroove as well as check out the Tournament of Wonders Improv festival, put out by my pals Iron Cobra. So that should be an awesome party trip, leaving me hung over and funned up and ready to go back to work.

Coming up soon, one hundred reasons my girlfriend is better than Sarah Silverman.

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