Thursday, May 25, 2006

This petition was sent to me by Michael Petrasek, and I send it to you: this is called "Stephen Harper is a Sports Fan"

To: Government of Canada

The decision by the Government of Canada in its most recent budget to give a tax credit to the parents of children taking part in organized sports (the so-called "soccer mom" credit) is fundamentally unfair. It provides a subsidy to one group of citizens by making a value judgement about the activities in which they choose to involve their children.

The implicit assumption is that involvement in traditional sports has a higher value than taking piano or dance lessons, taking classes in the visual and dramatic arts, singing in a youth choir or taking part in debating or chess clubs. This is unsupportable in fact and undemocratic in its effects. Parents who choose to spend their money on developing the aesthetic, cultural and artistic gifts of their children should not be discriminated against in favour of parents who choose to support their childrens athletic abilities.

Therefore, the undersigned petition the government to reconsider its announced policy and to extend the tax credit to all children and to any activity in which parents enroll their children for their mental, artistic or physical well-being.

Sincerely,The Undersigned

If you think arts and culture may, in fact, be as valuable as soccer to our society, please consider signing the petition below on thewebsite here listed:

Okay Stephen Harper. Now you're pissing me off.

What's next? Double the baby bonus for being born twice?

Free cable for those who watch demonstrably more Fox News?

And now you won't talk to the press? That's not allowed! You're the PRIME MINISTER. We're allowed to know what you are doing. That's a really big democracy rule.

You watch this guy. He's got Bushitis. And that is not a spell check mistake.

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